Thai citizenship points test

The breakdown of the Thai citizenship points test for naturalization as a Thai citizen (‘เกณฑ์การให้คะแนน กรณีการขอแปลงสัญชาติเป็นไทย’) is outlined below. This test relates to people who are applying based on being married to a Thai wife, or those who are applying having already held Thai permanent residency for five years.

The Thai citizenship points test does not apply to women who are applying for citizenship through a Thai husband. For those applicants, please read this page).


The authorities have set a maximum point allocation of 100. The threshold of being able to apply for citizenship via the Thai citizenship points test is to score a minimum 50 of the 100 required points to have your application considered.

  1. Qualifications of the applicant (maximum 25 points)

                  1.1 Age (10 points)

                  1.2 Education (15 points)

  1. Security of profession (25 points)
  2. Length of civil registration (20 points)
  3. Thai language ability (15 points)
  4. General knowledge about Thailand (10 points).
  5. Personality, appearance and expression (5 points)

Age and Education



Age Points
20 to 30 2 points
30 to 40 5 points
40 to 50 10 points
50 to 60 8 points
Over 60 5 points

Education Qualification

Level Points
Up to Mor 6 or vocational training 3 points
Diploma 5 points
Bachelors Degree or equivalent 8 points
Masters Degree or equivalent 10 points
Doctorate level 15 points

Security of Profession

This is done via an assessment of income, and can take two forms.

  • Assessments based on verifiable income in the year of application; and
  • Assessments based on verifiable tax payments from the tax year immediately prior applying


Readers should note that the thresholds for verifiable income in the year of application are more generous, and should aim to apply using that measure.

Verified monthly income in the year of application

a) Income for general applicants who do not have other ties to Thailand (as outlined below)

Income (baht per month) Points
80,000 to 90,000 15 points
90,001 to 100,000 20 points
100,001 and above 25 points

b) Income for applicants who are designated ethnic minorities*:

Income (baht per month) Points
40,000 to 50,000 15 points
50,001 to 60,000 20 points
60,001 and above 25 points

c) Income for applicants who are designated ethnic minorities* and who have held an Alien ID Card for at least 10 years:

Income (baht per month) Points
20,000 to 30,000 15 points
30,001 to 40,000 20 points
40,001 and above 25 points

d) Income for applicants married to a Thai national, or having Thai children, or having graduated from secondary educational institution in Thailand:

Income (baht per month) Points
40,000 to 50,000 15 points
50,001 to 60,000 20 points
60,001 and above 25 points

e) Income (monthly) in the case of ethnic minorities* married to a Thai national, or having Thai children, or having graduated from high school in Thailand:

Income (baht per month) Points
20,000 to 30,000 15 points
30,001 to 40,000 20 points
Over 40,001 25 points

Alternatively, Special Branch are able to allocate points based on verified taxable income based on the based on tax returns made in the year immediately before the submission of your citizenship applications. These thresholds are higher than those outlined above, which are based on your current income in the year of application.

We’ve put it in here as it is part of the formal information sheet given by Special Branch. The use of these thresholds may suit some people.

f) Income based on previous years tax returns for general applicants who do not have other ties to Thailand

Income (baht per month) Points
80,000 to 100,000 15 points
100,001 to 120,000 20 points
120,001 and above 25 points

g) Income based on previous years tax returns for applicants who are designated ethnic minorities*:

Income (baht per month) Points
40,000 to 60,000 15 points
60,001 to 80,000 20 points
80,001 and above 25 points

h) Income based on previous years tax returns for applicants who are designated ethnic minorities* and who have held an Alien ID Card for at least 10 years:

Income (baht per month) Points
20,000 to 40,000 15 points
40,001 to 60,000 20 points
60,001 and above 25 points

i) Income based on previous years tax returns in the case of those married to a Thai national, or having Thai children, or having graduated from high school in Thailand:

Income (baht per month) Points
40,000 to 60,000 15 points
60,001 to 80,000 20 points
80,001 and above 25 points

*Note: Ethnic minorities are outlined in this link from BORA (Thai language only).

Residence in Thailand

Type and length of residence Points
Has evidence of civil registration (i.e. yellow tabien baan) showing domicile in Thailand for at least 5 years but no Certificate of Residence or Alien Registration Certificate 5 points
Has evidence of civil registration showing domicile in Thailand for at least 5 years and has Certificate of Residence or Alien Registration Certificate for at least 5 years 10 points
Has evidence of civil registration showing domicile in Thailand for at least 5 years and has Certificate of Residence or Alien Registration Certificate for at least 7 years 15 points
Has evidence of civil registration showing domicile in Thailand for at least 5 years and has Certificate of Residence or Alien Registration Certificate for at least 10 years 20 points

Note: Certificate of Residence or Alien Registration Certificate are documents issued to permanent residents. As such, the maximum score that can be issued to non-permanent residents is 5 points.

Knowledge of Thai Language

Level Points
Able to speak and understand spoken Thai 8 points
Able to speak and understand spoken Thai and sing the National and Royal Anthems 10 points
Able to speak and understand spoken Thai, sing the National and Royal Anthems, and read Thai 13 points
Able to speak and understand spoken Thai, sing the National and Royal Anthems, and read and write Thai 15 points

Knowledge of Thailand

This is a multiple choice test which will be administered by Special Branch as part of your formal application. For more details on this test, please click here.

Level of knowledge of Thailand Correct answers required Points
Medium 1 to 5 correct answers 5 points
Good 6 to 8 correct answers 8 points
Very good 9 to 10 correct answers 10 points


Special branch officers will also undertake an assessment based on the personality, physical appearance of the applicant, taking into account attributes such as speech, Thai manners, attitude towards Thailand, its culture and ceremonies. The officer will be allowed to award 5 points for this category.

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[…] We’ve outlined in detail the points system in an article here. […]

Thai Citizenship
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