Thai citizenship civics test

Applying for citizenship via marriage to a Thai wife or permanent residency requires you to score a minimum of 50 out of a possible 100 points before your application is accepted. An element of this scoring criteria revolves around ‘Knowledge of Thailand’. As part of your initial interviews at Police Special Branch, you’ll be asked a number of general questions about Thailand via a Thai civics knowledge test, which will potentially can score you a maximum of 10 points of the 50 you’ll need to have your application processed.

Scoring criteria for the Thai knowledge test

  • Medium (1 to 5 correct answers): 5 points
  • Good (6 to 8 correct answers): 8 points
  • Very Good (9 to 10 correct answers): 10 points

The questions will be in the form of multiple choice questions in Thai. Given the civics test questions are in Thai, being able to read and answer this test will also help you gain points to the more discretionary ‘Thai language knowledge’ section of the Thai citizenship points test.

Commonly asked questions and answers

  • Number of consonants/vowels in the Thai alphabet: 44 consonants and 32 vowels
  • At what age can a child get their first ID card? 7 years
  • The Thai age of majority: 20 years old
  • Number of Thai provinces: 77
  • Government official working hours: 8.30am to 4.30pm.
  • Thailand’s system of government: Constitutional monarchy with the King as head of state.
  • Who is the current Prime Minister?
  • Who is the current Interior Minister?
  • What is the meaning of the Thai national anthem?
  • The meaning of the Thai flag colours: Nation/Religion/Monarchy for Red/White/Blue respectively
  • Royal birthdays:
    • HM King Rama 9: 5/12/1927
    • HM King Rama 10: 28/07/1952
    • HM The Queen: 12/08/1932
  • Questions about the nationality process are also asked:
    • When does an applicant officially become Thai: Upon publication in the Royal Gazette.
    • Which Minister has the power to grant Thai citizenship: The Minister of Interior
  • How long after being naturalized can a new Thai citizen vote: 5 years after being naturalised.
  • What are the duties of a Thai citizen?: (these are clearly outlined in Chapter IV of the Thai constitution which is can be found here).

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